One of the passers-by asked us during the on-site preparations whether this was an art installation. How long they would stay and what they were for. The balloons floating high above our heads, which we had filled with helium in the course of the morning, caused a number of curious questions, glances and smiling faces.
The goal of the colourful action was to become clear shortly afterwards: That was when the two project managers from our Geodata Management department, Jasmin Bosch and Marko Uecker, met with the owners, planners and authorities on site.
"Each balloon is attached to a peg. On the one hand, this shows us how big the new interim building that is to be built here will be. On the other hand, we see what heights we are talking about," Marko Uecker explains the idea.
The new interim building of the Esslingen Clinic comprises six floors with around 7,000 square metres of floor space and 120 beds. Modern and patient-oriented care and accommodation structures are intended to facilitate organisation and ensure shorter distances.
Team colleagues Friederike Wölfle and Casimir Naangmenkuu created topographic surveys for the conversion measures of the more than ten interconnected buildings and parts of buildings. The two are particularly excited by the scope and variety of the project.
After the work is done, the team agrees: the visualisation was a complete success and we felt a bit like we were preparing for a big birthday party. Which, in a way, it is. It's nice to see what's going to be created.