The "BIM Award 2018" Competition awards projects that demonstrate the added value and potential of the BIM method in digital-based cooperation and action.
The aim is to present pioneering spirit and creative ideas and projects to demonstrate the performance and future viability of the industry and the location.
Also the Hemminger Ingenieurbüro (as user) together with Smart Data Factory (as developer) participate in the "BIM Award 2018" with the contribution "BIM data on the fly with the smartphone app".
It's about getting 3d data quickly and easily with the smartphone app. Smaller structural measures/changes are Photogammetrisch taken. In addition to the 3d image documentation, the results are enriched with data that is evaluated and localized in an information system.
Our technology is already being practised in the energy supply industry. The following business case "laying a house connection" should be used to sketch the process flow:
The construction project has been completed and is to be documented.
Conventionally, every structural change in the energy supply network is determined in a survey-technical manner. For this purpose, a geodesist is ordered, which misses the location of the resources on the spot, collects factual information and prepares the situation in a graphic manner.
With our smartphone application, the staff of the sites (fitter, excavator, manager, etc.) documents independently. The construction site is taken in the form of a 3d laser scan. It is not necessary to have a surveying technical training or expensive measuring instruments. The material attributes are entered using predefined selection lists and the user interface is intuitive.
In contrast to the previous method, the process is completely digital and thus accelerates the further processing of the recorded data. Furthermore, the processing of the survey data in a CAD system and their verification by the manager is not necessary, since the recorded 3d data are immediately visible and can be measured. In the so-called postprocessing, the 3d data in the Geoinformational location is correctly located and the resources are provided as objects.
How was the project successful through the use of BIM software?
The independent measurement with our smartphone app takes place in a paradigm shift in the thickness of electricity, gas, water, telecommunications and district heating connections. Even without surveying knowledge, it will be possible to gain 3d data in the required accuracy within a very short time. The processes are significantly shortened and the current media breaks eliminated. Cheap mobile phones Replace the cost-intensive surveying equipment. The evaluation of the recordings is largely automated, so that the employee on the spot after completion of the recording is exempt from the burden of further documentation.